mandate pfp



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mandate pfp
Stop trying. Take long walks. Look at scenery. Doze off at noon. Don't even think about flying. And then, pretty soon, you'll be flying again
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mandate pfp
If you saturate your mind with positive thoughts, it will sustain you in any situation
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mandate pfp
Sometimes the simplest solution out of conflict is becoming someone’s friend, instead of saying goodbye forever
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mandate pfp
True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.
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mandate pfp
I actually think I have an audience member's sensibility about going to the movies.
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mandate pfp
If I had as many love affairs as I've been given credit for, I'd be in a jar at the Harvard Medical School.
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mandate pfp
I think sometimes if you are alone, you are freer because your time is your own.
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mandate pfp
Here is what we know after more than a decade of Republican rule: Texas works. Even 'The New York Times' let it slip into its pages that, 'Texas is the future.'
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mandate pfp
I understand it's my role to realize people's dreams. I'm O.K. with that so long as my songs are my own. No one can take my songs away from me.
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mandate pfp
In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be, and one must be wrong.
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mandate pfp
War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses.
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mandate pfp
Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes this is what awakens us.
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mandate pfp
Let your Discourse with Men of Business be Short and Comprehensive.
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mandate pfp
What tender force, what dignity divine, what virtue consecrating every feature; around that neck what dross are gold and pearl!
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mandate pfp
I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman. That's my view, and that'll be the view of our state because I wouldn't sign a bill that - like the one that was in New York.
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mandate pfp
He that can live alone resembles the brute beast in nothing, the sage in much, and God in everything.
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mandate pfp
I believe in the institution of marriage, and I intend to keep trying till I get it right.
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mandate pfp
I don't see women and think of them as competition or with judgment. Women really move me. I feel connected to all kinds of women. I am angry because I think we've been mistreated throughout history in different countries, including America. I admire women.
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mandate pfp
As a rule, indeed, grown-up people are fairly correct on matters of fact; it is in the higher gift of imagination that they are so sadly to seek.
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mandate pfp
In people's eyes, in the swing, tramp, and trudge; in the bellow and uproar; the carriages, motor cars, omnibuses, vans, sandwich men shuffling and swinging; brass bands; barrel organs; in the triumph and the jingle and the strange high singing of some aeroplane overhead was what she loved; life; London; this moment in June.
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