mandate pfp



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mandate pfp
In people's eyes, in the swing, tramp, and trudge; in the bellow and uproar; the carriages, motor cars, omnibuses, vans, sandwich men shuffling and swinging; brass bands; barrel organs; in the triumph and the jingle and the strange high singing of some aeroplane overhead was what she loved; life; London; this moment in June.
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mandate pfp
If we learn for each success, and each failure, and improve ourselves through this process, then, at the end, we will havefulfilled our potential and performed well.
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mandate pfp
Literature is the expression of a feeling of deprivation, a recourse against a sense of something missing. But the contrary is also true: language is what makes us human. It is a recourse against the meaningless noise and silence of nature and history.
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mandate pfp
If your neighbor has a completely different view on abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, all of those things, you still are both Americans. Neither one of you is necessarily more patriotic than the other. Neither loves their country any more than the other one does.
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mandate pfp
The spirits of men are being born into the world by divine appointment, and not by accident.
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mandate pfp
Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God.
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mandate pfp
I eat as much as the next girl, but I work my butt of in the gym every morning! The key is moderation. I splurge on the weekend. A big bowl of pasta and a delicious slice of cake for dessert are my favorites.
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mandate pfp
There are times, like after a long day of work, when the thought of an easy drive-through is enticing. But then I remember how crappy I felt when I ate fast food in the past, and it inspires me to head to the grocery store or my local farmer's market and whip up an easy but healthier option.
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mandate pfp
No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one Autumnal face.
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mandate pfp
I'm not saying that people have to listen to rock music. It's a great, cool thing and it can really be liberating for a lot of people but, hey, so can Charles Dickens so I'm not going to judge.
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mandate pfp
I would have probably stolen cars - it would have given me the same adrenaline rush as racing.
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mandate pfp
The greatest lesson we can learn from the past ... is that freedom is at the core of every successful nation in the world.
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mandate pfp
When you are kind to someone in trouble, you hope they'll remember and be kind to someone else. And it'll become like a wildfire.
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mandate pfp
Drones can be a highly effective way of dealing with high-priority targets, but they should not become the drug of choice for an administration that is afraid to use successful, legal and safe tactics of the past.
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mandate pfp
Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers' gardens.
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mandate pfp
A father and two sons run Adelphia. It's a cable company. And they took from that company a billion dollars. A billion. Three people - three people took a billion dollars. What were they gonna do, start their own space program? 'Let's send the monkey to Mars, Dad!'
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mandate pfp
Scientific views end in awe and mystery, lost at the edge in uncertainty, but they appear to be so deep and so impressive that the theory that it is all arranged as a stage for God to watch man's struggle for good and evil seems inadequate.
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mandate pfp
Technology has advanced more in the last thirty years than in the previous two thousand. The exponential increase in advancement will only continue. Anthropological Commentary The opposite of a trivial truth is false the opposite of a great truth is also true.
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mandate pfp
I grew up listening to Jay-Z, and I think the first time I really became obsessed with learning and thinking about lyrics was when I started listening to rap I was 11, 12, and started becoming aware of music beyond the familiar.
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mandate pfp
Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and repeat to yourself, the most comforting words of all; This, too, shall pass.
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