Doug Petkanics pfp

Doug Petkanics


201 Following

Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Video mining for the people.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
I like the stock.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Cool opportunity for an aspiring crypto + AI hacker. Integrate Livepeer as a Morpheus compute provider offering generative AI video inference.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Frames hackathon dinner in SF tonight with Livepeer
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
The Leeroy Jenkins of frame txns right here. 👇
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Let there be video frames!
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Is the expected user experience of frames transactions that you could be signing anything, and therefore should expect to lose the assets in your wallet? I'm cool with it...just asking ;)
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Loved participating in this from @originstory. I think a potential iterative step is the prompts+splits being issued onchain through a protocol like an auction or community access token. A creator’s patrons get access to give prompt input on the video for example.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Better PMF in 2024? ETHDenver or A100 GPUs?
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Open AI announces Sora text-to-video, and it's impressive, producing videos up to 60 seconds.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Hate to link out like this, but until we do a full FC thread on ETHDenver...check out the highlights of Livepeer's ETHDenver presence over on X.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Penn Engineering adds an entire undergrad major on AI. I wonder how much this is marketing to attract top students vs substantive curriculum differences beyond CS with an elective AI concentration.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
The Livepeer Cloud SPE proposal passed the community governance vote and is now off and running towards its goals of launching another Broadcaster on the network and integrating Livepeer into Owncast.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
I feel like we need to get @yaboyscottjurek in here for this channel to really take off
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
And looks like it just reached quorum with heavy support so far.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
An interesting project in the decentralized AI space, Morpheus, is beginning their launch today. Phase one is a fair launch around aggregating liquidity for 90 days for the token availability which coincides with the launch of their compute network for smart agents. Check out
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
There's now an early benchmarking tool available for Livepeer node operators looking to understand their performance on AI video compute tasks like generative video.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
Testing the new Mirror frame and sharing some Livepeer January highlights at the same time!
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
3 more days to vote on this community proposal to fund the "Livepeer Cloud SPE" aimed at introducing more demand to the network through Livepeer integration into existing video tools.
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Doug Petkanics pfp
Doug Petkanics
What's the solution that looks at all your wallets, across all chains, across all key derivation paths, and tracks + visualizes all your stuff, in one place?
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