dan mottice pfp
dan mottice
crypto = true democratization of finance fintech to date = APIs on top of APIs on top of old systems (built in the 1970s) crypto = replication of primitives and products of the existing system built on top of a new settlement layer
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dan mottice pfp
dan mottice
it started with the replication of complicated, highly structured investment products onchain. traditionally, these were reserved for funds, banks, HNWIs and UHNWIs; they're now available to the masses. its now making its way into FX, payments, credit/lending and much more.
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dan mottice pfp
dan mottice
crypto = next generation fintech the kicker? the two can and will coexist. by marrying the "best of" traditional systems with a modern settlement layer, we will redefine global financial services for future generations
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