David Mihal pfp

David Mihal


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David Mihal pfp
David Mihal
A friend excitedly told me they went on a date with someone who "works in crypto" I asked what company he works for...
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David Mihal pfp
David Mihal
So, I've been quietly working on a new project over the last year... and it's time to share a bit about it πŸ˜‰ It's time to bring Ethereum back to it's roots, time to bring back the magic that made it so special. Let me tell you a bit about why I'm so excited about @fuel-network ‡️
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David Mihal pfp
David Mihal
EIP-4844 has removed DA as the primary bottleneck for rollups... Now the attention switches to scaling execution πŸš€
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David Mihal pfp
David Mihal
Gathering of the five families in London for the Dencun upgrade
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