David Johnston pfp

David Johnston


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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Loving the vibe of nounspace with the built in music and style.
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Crafting a cast on Nounspace connected to my Warcast. The future is here : )
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
I now have my Nounspace setup. Thanks @nounspacetom
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Having met Tom from Nounspace, the hype is real & Nounspace just went live : ) Projects building on Morpheus empower users. https://warpcast.com/nounspacetom/0x1aa8436f @nounspacetom
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Morpheus Multisig Upgraded More key holders & back ups added across continents. All key holders are from different projects, companies & Foundations. https://github.com/MorpheusAIs/Docs/blob/main/!KEYDOCS%20README%20FIRST!/Morpheus%20Multisignature%20Account.md
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Great Talk By Mike Anderson of 6079 on the Importance of Morpheus Definitely a need for a neutral platform for everyone supplying De/AI with Compute, Code, Agents, & Capital to empower the whole tech stack. All community built. https://x.com/MorpheusAIs/status/1807492351981711753
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
The Morpheus "Homestead" Phase Is Coming & With It MOR Staking As the project moves beyond the boot strapping phase (known as the "Frontier" phase), and toward MOR Compute rewards going live on mainnet (known as the "Homestead" phase), there are a series of upgrades to focus on and understand.
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Alright friends. Looking forward to seeing you all at ETH CC. DeAI Day coming to Brussels for ETH CC July 8th. Apply now. https://lu.ma/eudgzpoz Join @AskVenice @HelloLumerin @akashnet_ @exa_bits @FilFoundation
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
DeAI Day Coming To London July 5th 2024 Morpheus Community Gathering In London July 5th! Morpheus community coming together again this time in London 🇬🇧! DeAI Meetup with @MorpheusAIs @AskVenice supported by @CryptoUKAssoc Join us for ​an evening of networking and talks about the future of decentralised AI. RSVP: Only 100 spots.https://lu.ma/y8yhjl1b
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Update to Protocol Owned Liquidity, Now 75% Used To Buy MOR TLDR: - stETH is collected and swapped to wETH every week. - 75% of the resulting wETH is used to swap for MOR from the Uniswap pool. - The remaining 25% of wETH would be paired with the 25% MOR as a full range liquidity position on Uniswap. - The 50% remaining MOR that were purchased are held in the POL and NOT deposited back into liquidity or burned. Full Text on Github https://github.com/MorpheusAIs/MRC/blob/main/MRC43.md Discussion on Discord: https://discord.com/channels/1151741790408429580/1251996463127593141
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
The Nounspace Fair Launch is live. Built on Morpheus' MOR20 Smart Contract platform. https://x.com/nounspacetom/status/1801603434912633141
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Nounspace & Morpheus AMA Incoming Starts at 12 Noon EST https://discord.com/events/1151741790408429580/1250198657190592574
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
DeAI Day Coming to ETH CC July 8th Web3 & AI builders apply now: https://lu.ma/eudgzpoz
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Like clockwork. Protocol Owned Liquidity Event 5 Completed on the 10th of June https://morlord.com/ Every week yield contributed buys MOR & adds ETH to the Uniswap pool.
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Nounspace AMA Thursday Willy is co-founder of Nounspace & part-time Head of Decentralization for the Fox Foundation (supporting ShapeShift DAO). He's also a proud community member in ATX DAO, Giveth, and Nouns, and a lover of all things decentralized. https://discord.com/events/1151741790408429580/1250198657190592574
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Video of Erik Voorhees, Misha & David Johnston Speaking at Consensus About: "Time To Unite The Tribes: Building Truly Open AI Event". https://consensus2024.coindesk.com/agenda/event/-your-robot-stockbroker-morpheus-ai-trading-agents-103
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Video of Erik Voorhees, Misha & David Johnston Speaking at Consensus About: "Time To Unite The Tribes: Building Truly Open AI Event" https://consensus2024.coindesk.com/agenda/event/-your-robot-stockbroker-morpheus-ai-trading-agents-103
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Erik Voorhees' Talk with Lex at Generative Ventures about Venice AI & Morpheus at Decentralized AI Day https://youtu.be/NWg9I9mc3lc?feature=shared @LexSokolin @ErikVoorhees @TryVenice @TeanaTaylor
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
MOR OFT Bridge Guide Thanks to the community developing this guide for moving MOR around different chains. https://github.com/MorpheusAIs/Docs/blob/main/!KEYDOCS%20README%20FIRST!/FAQs%20%26%20Guides/Guides/MOR/Mainnet/MOR%20OFT%20Bridge%20Guide.md
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David Johnston pfp
David Johnston
Morpheus Listed on CoinMarketCap Morpheus continues to expand its community & integrations across the crypto verse. Link: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/morpheus/
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