Jack Dishman pfp

Jack Dishman


317 Following

Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Nobody wants to say it but the most common first on chain transaction of my generation is buying fake IDs
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
With channels becoming more decentralized, I could see a future where channels have sub-channels for more specific conversations. I could see this with /boston linking /bostonceltics /redsox /patriots under /boston/sports Another example could be /pets inheriting /dogs which inherits from /labs Got me thinking...
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
gm fellow reply guys and gals i hope you all find casts to reply to today
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
I took the Lynn Ferry yesterday and it was awesome. Beats sitting in traffic and a fun travel alternative to the commuter rail. Highly recommend especially with the sumner tunnel closing this summer. They have a snack bar with coffee in the morning and mixed drinks in the afternoon!
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Think I’m going with “ Sea ++ ” instead
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Can't keep him out of the water! Then he's the good kind of tired
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Super grateful to spend the weekend with River! Five of nine rounds of chemo done ✅ then radiation to get the rest in September. Absolute legend and a beacon of strength to us all
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
"Subgraph with a DX like Supabase"
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
gameday let's close this series out!!
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Introducing a channel dedicated to labs Here's my childhood dog, Oaks, who lived to be 15+1/2. He was a serial beggar, would run away, but had only sweet bones in his body. Growing up with kids is no easy life for a dog with ear pulling, but had to be incredibly rewarding for him growing old with us. Such a good boy!
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
The fish don’t just jump into the boat 🎣
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Where’s your home port?
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
“This collection is an homage to resilience, to the quiet strength that endures the test of time and the tempest of doubt… intertwining myth with the visceral strands of contemporary life." “Penelope” by @hrh minting now https://highlight.xyz/mint/662bc62cd35ee87a61499228
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
It's been great reconnecting with old colleagues to help each other out. In this spirit, Henry's 40-piece (hand-drawn & premier) NFT collection on Base is minting Sunday 4/28 for .04 ETH (all proceeds will go to @hrh). Read the story of Penelope and Artist's inspiration here: https://hrh.digital
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Winding the 4 face clock in historic Marblehead MA this morning 🕰️: https://drakula.app/post/7380c92b-65dd-4a65-a86c-a1bb739e5154?invite=wdKPCc
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Brotherly battles at the beach
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Big fan of this motto from the US Navy Seals: "The only easy day was yesterday" To me, it's a reflection of overcoming challenges that have led to this point and motivation to face the next obstacle head-on, knowing that life is only going to get harder from here on out but that's nothing new! Hypes me up 😤
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
What's a healthy approach to fetching collections of on-chain data at scale? Do you generally use a db-first approach and refresh on intervals using RPC providers x subgraph? I've been using subgraph/RPC first but hitting compute units per second capacity limitations with providers 🪣 Thanks!
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
Earning spring turns at Brighton, Utah 4/20 😎
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Jack Dishman pfp
Jack Dishman
I’ve been trying to convince my cousin to join FC and post anything food related. Grocery lists. Meal prep. Recipes. Best practices like how to use a cast iron and a smoker. Said there’s a huge market of WFH people like me who overspend on mid takeout. I’d pay $5-10/mo for engaging content that made cooking fun
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