Logan pfp



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Logan pfp
Being home for the holidays has gotten me outside of my bubble to be reminded that most folks are focused on just getting by. It’s made me question.. what % of people are truly flourishing? Why isn’t this 100%? How do we bump those numbers up? Life is a brief flash and then it’s gone. No time to waste.
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Logan pfp
For US folks, saw Lyn’s post today that SS is expected to bottom out by 2035. Anyone have a bull case to suggest this isn’t the biggest mandated Ponzi of all time? Increased immigration + economic growth? https://i.imgur.com/nBggoja.jpg
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Logan pfp
gm. It’s only been a week.
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Logan pfp
gm Shout out to all the ethical players in the space. We need more of you 🙏🙏
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Logan pfp
We have front row seats to the yet another financial nuking event. Take 30min to document what has happened and how your psychology reacted before, during, and after. This won’t be the last. Your future self will thank you.
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Logan pfp
What news source do you use the most for crypto news?
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Logan pfp
This is… not great. Blue bar is proficient & above. We wont feel the full impact of this for a decade+. https://i.imgur.com/FmVRCGq.jpg
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Logan pfp
Will be in Amsterdam / Paris next month. What’s the crypto scene like?
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Logan pfp
Went to 2 ML events today in SF. High density of low-ego high-capability builders. Less noise, more focus. Right ingredients for an epic comeback
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Logan pfp
Branding plastic as “vegan leather” has to be one of the biggest grifts of our generation.
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Logan pfp
What current technology, if played out to the most optimistic end state, would be most transformative to our current way of life?
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Logan pfp
Did the US just effectively classify adv semiconductors like ITAR, restricting Chinese development? 👀👀👀 https://twitter.com/jordanschnyc/status/1580889341265469440?s=20&t=9zIue5ItwLwzUM2JmTrjuQ
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Logan pfp
After eliminating caffeine from my morning routine for a few months, there really is no substitute 😵‍💫☕️☕️
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Logan pfp
Feels broken that many web3 products still require email verification. Is any wallet building an inbox? From the wallet, you could configure whatever web2 comms you like (text, email)
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Logan pfp
What is the most efficient way you’ve found to stay on top of project updates?
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Logan pfp
Slept on Farcaster for too long.. good to be back :) ty @dwr.eth
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