Direct pfp



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Direct pfp
Learn how to create, sign, and broadcast transactions with #Viem.
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Direct pfp
We are experimenting with a new video format. This is the first video on using Viem for Ethereum development. Any feedback is appreciated!!
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Direct pfp
Damn I suck on constantly posting… at least I feel comfortable saying that out loud here. 🤷🏻
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Direct pfp
Having fun playing with nvim plugins. Connected to a local LLM… pretty dope.
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Direct pfp
Excited to be speaking at the Long Island Media arts show. Introducing high school students to /processing and programming in general.
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Direct pfp
Tmux…. Inside of tmux.
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This seems like it will be powerful. The innovation happening on farcaster is unlike anything we have seen on social in a while.
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Direct pfp
Earthquake in NY?
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Direct pfp
We love /rocketpool at LIBC… check out our explainer video series to get started.
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Direct pfp
The Unix philosophy of doing one thing well combined with the ability to chain commands together creates such a compounding effect in a users ability over time… so powerful!!
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Direct pfp
The Three Body Problem is one of my favorite sci-fi books. Such a great story. On episode two of the new Netflix series. I am flowing with it. My wife is staying awake… always a good sign.
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Direct pfp
What are some cool frame use cases? Share them below for some $degen tips…
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Direct pfp
I got my daily allowance… I guess it’s time to start tipping!!
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Direct pfp
Hi /dev … Spent some time this weekend changing from vim to nvim… and made all my colors in tmux all nice. Feels good to polish up your tooling every now and then… check it out:
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Direct pfp
I am playing with $degen. I am using warpcaster, does having a verified address mean it is “linked to fareaster”? Trying to understand the tip allowance.
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Direct pfp
Sup /replyguys! 🫡
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Direct pfp
Working on a project using the Ape Framework along side a local Foundry Anvil fork of mainnet. Love sessions where you walk away feeling like you leveled up. 📈📈📈
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Direct pfp
I kinda want to mint some dope digital art in a frame today. I am an OG fan of generative art.. Jared Tarbell is my favorite artist. Specifically substrate. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Direct pfp
That feeling when your ETH validators start doing their thing…
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Direct pfp
Still trying to figure out what $degen is, how does it relate to $warps (does it?), and how do we use / earn… anyone have any good links to help learn me some?
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