dharma pfp
Quick thesis on @tokemak Tokemak is one of the somewhat forgotten protocols of the 2021 DeFi cohort, but are stealthily rebuilding their value prop and on track to deploy Tokemak V2.
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dharma pfp
Great explainer on the overall concept here: https://www.figma.com/proto/XXveJKkpeZSBpKwCY1yKWD/Diagrams-and-Explainers?kind=proto&node-id=310-3938&page-id=308%3A144&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=310%3A2153&mode=design&t=Zm82qbTSN2C4aIcU-1
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dharma pfp
Tokemak V2 has 2 separate products: 1. Autopilot: for LP's to dynamically allocate to the best yields 2. Liquidity Marketplace: for DAO's who want to rent liquidity with a fixed (transparent) market price for that liquidity
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