The energy here is high and people are smart and driven, like Ethereum and zk early communities. Wished there was a bit less of a frat house cult vibe though. Not necessary!
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Cameron Armstrong
Whatcha mean about the latter? Got any examples
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For instance Dan influence is high, lot of people mimicking him, looking for approval. I mean this in the most constructive way. He is a great benevolent dictator. At some point we'll have to help him to decentralize governance and culture :)
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Cameron Armstrong
yea i hear that - fwiw w only 2K unique casters a day the only true community touchpoints we really have are ETH and Dan I think we're easily two orders of magnitude away from any kind of decentralization attempts that won't irreparably splinter the vibes https://dune.com/pixelhack/farcaster
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Agreed of course! Still, I feel a vibe of complacency in the mono culture. Btw hard for me to say this in public, I don't want to be ostracised, just a sincere personal feeling. Sub 2k eth and zk communities were more culturally diverse imo
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Dan Romero
hmm, youre' not going to be ostracized. Comparing open source development to a social network is a bit apples to oranges I think. Harsh reality is the social network needs to be willed into existence, esp. when pre-existing tools (Twitter, Telegram, Discord exist).
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Cameron Armstrong
If you see someone getting dunked on for saying stuff like this let me know - I haven’t yet and while the FC vibes are strong, the “listen to understand” vibes are stronger imo People will disagree if they disagree, but not hate mob you - also plenty of microcommunities in channels btw (evm, founder, noun, etc)
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