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David Furlong
can farcaster apps that custody a signer revoke the signer themselves without the user having to approve it? if not, may make sense to be possible, for example if an app gets compromised, it should be able to revoke them
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vrypan |--o--|
That's a good idea, and feasible in theory (may require some change in the signers smart contract, to allow an additional revocation address). However, not a good idea today, because this would invalidate everything message signed by the app. Message ordering will fix this, I think.
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Varun Srinivasan
this isn't possible today and wouldn't be a great experience since an app could delete all of your casts. might be possible in the new snapchain world when we have app key freezing.
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Samuel ツ
signers currently are able to remove themselves. So yes can be done today
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