Eddy Lazzarin ๐ŸŸ  pfp
Eddy Lazzarin ๐ŸŸ 
https://github.com/a16z/awesome-farcaster Farcaster has gotten to the size that we need help tracking what's going on. I've always found these kinds of lists really useful. If you're aware of or are working actively on a project that should be here, please message me or submit a PR!
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
I think a bots section would make sense! A lot of great bots especially by @farcasteradmin.eth - I think most are here: https://www.discove.xyz/search?a=new&q=bot&type=profile
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
Happy to submit a PR if you agree
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Eddy Lazzarin ๐ŸŸ  pfp
Eddy Lazzarin ๐ŸŸ 
Yeah, makes sense to me. Let's do it.
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