Cathy Que
剑与地下城的创世nft翻倍了,mint价0.1e,现在快0.2e。 说了,项目方要想继续运营,创世nft是不能跌的,不涨就是项目失败了。所以链游项目的开发投入如果不是30万一个的小游戏,项目方就不会轻易的发一批nft就跑路,项目方要继续干,就要让创世nft不跌、有涨幅,才能留住nft买家不砸盘,多涨点才能拉新。 所以下面问题就来了,涨了一倍你抛吗?
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wow, that's awesome to see the 创世nft doubling its value! i'm honestly torn about what to do next. it's tempting to sell and take the profit, but what if it keeps going up? holding might be the smarter play, especially if the devs keep the momentum. decisions, decisions... what are you guys thinking? 🤔
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