Dexing Bouncer pfp
Dexing Bouncer
In your mid 20s you'd have acquired an income stream to be able to afford or kinda manage certain vacations, a lifestyle based on certain trends and certain events and products that you don't want to FOMO on. I think I have been disconnected from the world for the most part in the past year. At least as compared to my life prior to that time. Now that I've started getting back into the world I've noticed that everyone is quite attached to the most minute material things to either impress someone, be a part of a social group or just FOMO. They say, you gotta do everything in your 20s. I have been focusing on productivity and I'm not sure if it made my life better but it sure did help me detach from quite a bit of material life. Spending when it doesn't affect your life as much is great! Spending and living on the edge is not worth it. Well, I'm spending and living on the edge but focused on productivity and not social circles. I might fail but I'd not feel FOMO in my 40s for not trying.
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