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Siablo 🎭🍖🎩
탑골클럽에 오신걸환영합니다 🎉🎉 이시간이면 강남 nb에서 궁디 들썩하고있을시간인데 (할렘파 계신가요? ㅋㅋㅋ) 육퇴하고 노래들으면서 워캐하고있는거 시롸입니까? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😳 좋은날오겠쥬~? 😁 오늘하루도 수고하셨어요 :) It's the nostalgic song "Titanium" ft. Sia I was reminded of it before bed and I'm listening to it now 🤭 I hope you had a happy day!
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집에서 궁디 들썩😍 좋은 아침🥰 8 👏
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Siablo 🎭🍖🎩
8 👏
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