Thanks to @jayme & the Algos (#bandname) for the new follows (#bandname)! Ask me about: • web3 (been building since 2017) • fintech (formerly in the space) • startups (2x VC backed founder) • sports (current startup) • Jesus (believer, ex-pastor for 7yrs) • books (I can read) • beverages (I drink it all)
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Patrick | Megapot
Any thoughts on how blockchain can be used to improve both digital advertising and privacy? Asking since I’m exploring problems around the transfer of first/third-party user data, how user requests for data deletion are handled after data is transferred, and how to improve identity resolution…
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Bullish on zero party data (the user owns it not the app or brand or collector) in both marketing and privacy applications. There’s a world where users sell their own data via open markets. Check out for inspo; there’s a huge opportunity to build on open & accessible protocols (ETH L2s or ZK).
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