Why is nuclear becoming the energy darling when solar is so clearly better? Solar is already proven to work at a variety of scales, has little-to-no downside, and needs to only become more efficient and ubiquitous.
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On top of what others said: More upside exists in the technology. Solar has maybe x2 room for improvement left (we'll never exceed 100% efficiency and unlikely to even approach it), nuclear is a deep tech tree that is maybe x4 in the medium term and up to x1000 in the long term.
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I think there’s equal potential upside in both solar and nuclear.
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Vitalik Buterin
The goal is not to keep increasing the watts per m^2, the goal is to make covering lots and lots of m^2 (really, km^2) really cheap.
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100% - there are multiple ways to win. 1. Increase watts per unit of area. 2. Decrease cost per unit of area. 3. Move required area off-planet. 4. Increase storage & grid efficiency to eliminate curtailment.
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