Tony D’Addeo
thoughts on interesting content there’s no such thing as objectively interesting content therefore there’s no black box that can take a piece of content and tell you if it’s interesting objectively uninteresting content (from a humans perspective) is more of a thing random numbers, the letter repeated 723 times, contextless single word replies you can build a block box that does a reasonably good job of identifying uninteresting content (given contextual inputs like who’s saying it)
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Tony D’Addeo
the best way to measure whether content is interesting is to use a distributed signal consider how money is a distributed signal to inform an economy what to and how much to produce at the individual level the signal is noisy consider people mostly buy stuff for different arbitrary reasons not for any aggregate goal
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Zinger ↑
I think follows play a big role here as one of the most important and persistent signals in a social network Following someone is directly vouching for them (at least with your attention) and therefore it's likely that you trust who they vouch for as well Would love to see more feed experiments that lean into that
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great points! some related thoughts.. - there is no way to get a 'global' consensus on interesting content. rather its possible to agree on 'relevant' content for a user, based on their engagement. > 'in the ideal world each person would have a local weight for every other person depending on how similar their taste was in practice this is hard to do but not impossible at the end of the day someone has to decide what those weights are' this is exactly what openrank does for personalized/for-you user graph and feed. deciding weights can be an iterative exercise to optimize performance - an opinionated global or community specific user rating is extremely useful for consensus on distributing social capital and economic value to users. this isn't possible in web2 social platforms, but can be done with open social graphs. I believe this can be a big unlock with channels on farcaster.
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yea that's on point i think the problem is that most social networks including the purple one, actively vet for interesting content. and then niche creators fall by the way side
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