Dennis Zoma pfp

Dennis Zoma


567 Following

Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
But Telegram has stickers 🐸
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Starting new projects with express over hono 🚩🚩🚩
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Let's together, just minted EIP-6963!
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Is there a tool/frame for channel discovery already (i.e. by category)? I feel like Warpcast lacks a bit in that regard.
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Back home embracing the Denver jetlag. 🇩🇪
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Domains are onchain usernames.
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
I'm a simple man, I need more app icons. ✨ Please download: If I get to 5 invites, I will post a little series of Arc killer tricks/features here on FC. Have a few lesser known ones to share.
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Bytecode20 + 4844 = 🆓
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Unwinding after an exciting conference on a hike around Boulder! 🥾 🏔️ 🌿
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Excited about the progress happening on adding zero knowledge proofs to the /op-stack. This stuff is way closer than expected. 🤯 Props to O(1) Labs, RISC Zero, EthStorage, Hyper Oracle, and Delphinus Lab.
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Unpopular opinion: After visiting the US, I think we waste our time in Europe fighting climate change. 🤐
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
great channel, @yuga. perfect place to x-post my latest cast:
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Guess who's embracing Smart Account diversity… 💭
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
One of my takeaways from /ethdenver so far: One of the hottest topics in 2024 will be global embedded wallets. And AA will be a key pillar to make this a reality.
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18 reactions

Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Successful /ethdenver @nouns morning run at 7AM. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ Best way to start a conference day.
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14 reactions

Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
Have Sepolia ETH and want OP/Base/Zora/… Sepolia ETH? Just send it to the respective `OptimismPortalProxy` Smart Contract on Sepolia. Deployments:
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
10yr PR anniversary 🎂 whatever this was haha
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Dennis Zoma pfp
Dennis Zoma
just tipped my uber driver on @base. plot twist: he was tipped on base at the same day already. we are so early.
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