Demosthenes.eth pfp
11/The $PDoT smart contract implements several @OpenZeppelin libraries including ERC20Permit and ERC20Votes, giving the token a range of potential utility. For example, an Issuer could start a DAO and use $PDoT as the governance token.
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Demosthenes.eth pfp
12/The interface IPublicDomainToken exposes the core public token functionality and also inherits from IERC20, IERC20Permit, and IVotes. It also exposes useful getter functions such as getIssuerMintFactor(), getIssuerMaxMintable(), getIssuers(), and getExpiredIssuers().
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Demosthenes.eth pfp
13/So what is Public Domain Token for? Anything! Or nothing! You decide! The token is completely open and permissionless, so what happens next will be completely dependent on whoever takes an interest and decides to do something with it.
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Demosthenes.eth pfp
14/Public Domain Token started as a thought experiment turned practice exercise turned side project. It's provided as-is, unaudited, under an MIT license. Fair warning - I am not a professional dev. Use at your own risk.
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Demosthenes.eth pfp
15/ $PDoT has no owner authorizations and its parameters can’t be changed. It’s intended to be an immutable, ungovernable, decentralized, and open token. It is highly experimental.
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Demosthenes.eth pfp
16/In the spirit of decentralization, there is no official frontend for the token. You can interact with the smart contract via Etherscan or RPC. Or you can make your own frontend. You do you.
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