Demosthenes.eth pfp
11/The $PDoT smart contract implements several @OpenZeppelin libraries including ERC20Permit and ERC20Votes, giving the token a range of potential utility. For example, an Issuer could start a DAO and use $PDoT as the governance token.
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Demosthenes.eth pfp
12/The interface IPublicDomainToken exposes the core public token functionality and also inherits from IERC20, IERC20Permit, and IVotes. It also exposes useful getter functions such as getIssuerMintFactor(), getIssuerMaxMintable(), getIssuers(), and getExpiredIssuers().
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Demosthenes.eth pfp
13/So what is Public Domain Token for? Anything! Or nothing! You decide! The token is completely open and permissionless, so what happens next will be completely dependent on whoever takes an interest and decides to do something with it.
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