deloreanz pfp



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deloreanz pfp
Possibly, can’t hurt to ask. He’s been a massive help to me personally and professionally.
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deloreanz pfp
I can’t say enough about James Williams. Brilliant business minded tech guru.
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deloreanz pfp
AI disruption ideas are easy. The winners will pour blood, sweat, and tears to make them real.
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deloreanz pfp
Humility is a doorway to understanding.
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deloreanz pfp
- parsing unstructured text into a JSON schema - system design discussions - mixing expertise from several fields to formulate a cross domain solution
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deloreanz pfp
It’s strangely humbling that the first glimpses of real AGI arose from a text prediction engine.
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deloreanz pfp
Coherence (psychological thriller)
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deloreanz pfp
For us it wasn’t so much a magic question but was a mix of 1) the dev’s ability to talk through the problem solving process 2) technical correctness and 3) unanimous gut thumbs up from the interviewing team
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deloreanz pfp
Thanks I’ll give them a try. I’ll second the recommendations you’ve seen for the first Foundation book (didn’t read the others yet). I really liked the show as well and you might also like Raised by Wolves.
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deloreanz pfp
I loved the first but friends told me each book after went downhill. Did you feel they were all worth reading?
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