Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Re-upping my post from 1.5 years ago on "layer 3s": The summary is that layer 3s don't magically improve throughput even more, though they can reduce some fixed costs of batch publishing and deposits/withdrawals.
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DegenFans 🎩🔵🫂 pfp
DegenFans 🎩🔵🫂
In case of the Degen L3 it is also brilliant that they changed the base currency to Degen, so we don’t need the erc20 approve&transfer workflow, instead we can do it directly: easier for the user, cheaper in gas and less code in smart contract. Win, win & win
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NARD 🎩 pfp
Yeah but then I have to spend my $Degen….
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