Father Morwen pfp
Father Morwen
Politically, FC is the most interesting online community I've seen so far. It's very rare nowadays to see people from all parts of the political spectrum, especially those diametrically opposed, in one place, and somehow coexist with each other. It's refreshing.
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Gwynne Michele pfp
Gwynne Michele
We *need* the cross-pollination of ideas. Part of our problem is the whole dichotomy of left v right dichotomy is that instead of seeing the natural push-pull negotiation as necessary for stability and growth, they see it as a right vs wrong thing, win vs lose.
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tekashi69$maximoto pfp
I get surprised all the time how bad righties can be at good faith debate or dialectical discussions tho lmaoooo. I’d say it’s more or less bc the lefties here are just so used to having to be uber tolerant of right wingers, being in crypto, and not so much bc of some sort of special blend that makes up FC.
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Gwynne Michele pfp
Gwynne Michele
True. I can tolerate a lot of nonsense and there is genuinely *nothing* that offends me on any sort of emotional level. I'm actually a wee bit sociopathic. I *choose* my ethics based on the world I want to live in, and that leads me over and over towards ideas that are often classified as leftist :D Though I'm more and more seeing the whole left v right thing as just another toxic paradigm we've gotten ourselves locked into, where we've lost the balancing nature of the progress-tradition dichotomy and turned it into polarized tribalism. And it's not because of social media - that polarization was starting long before the internet even existed. It's just the social information age speeds it up.
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