DeFi Saver pfp

DeFi Saver


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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Our aim is to ensure users get the best available rates and moving forward any txs with swaps will check all of @0xproject, @paraswap, @kyberswap, @1inchnetwork & @odos for best swap routes. πŸ’‘The same meta-aggregation is applied across mainnet, @arbitrum, @optimism & @base.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
We are excited to share the @odos aggregator is now integrated at DeFi Saver! Odos uses smart order routing across multiple protocols, 900+ liquidity sources and thousands of token pairs, aiming to deliver ultimate savings to users. Now live at
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
The shift to the L2 networks has been gradual, steady, and at the same time almost constant. πŸ“ˆ As the deployment of protocols continues to grow, followed by the liquidity inflow, our focus remains on offering user-friendly position management tools. 🀝 Check it all out today at:
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Creating an instantly leveraged position on L2s currently costs below $0.1. This is something that can be done on Compound v3, Aave v3 (on all supported L2 networks), and our most recent addition LlamaLend (available on Arbitrum).
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
With this release going live, Compound v3 is now available across all DFS-supported networks, featuring the following markets:
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Support for the Compound v3-USDC market has been added on both @optimism and @base at DeFi Saver!πŸ₯³ As we acknowledge the need and the demand for low transaction costs, we've been continuously working on introducing new DeFi blue chip lending protocols on L2s.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Excited to partner with @safe as they launch their Safe{Pass} program to reward the Safe community and users!
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
What's going on here?πŸ‘€
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
We'll talk more about all the details in the coming days and weeks. We're very excited about the improvements this change brings for all our users and Safe users, as well as the features this will enable us to create in the future. Thank you for reading and stay Safe out there.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
There are multiple reasons why you would want to consider migrating: - With your position on a Safe, you'd be able to check and manage it in multiple different apps. - There are immediate gas savings with 10-15% lower gas usage per transaction compared to DSProxies.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
So what does this all mean for DFS users? - New users will have a Safe deployed and used as their smart wallet. - Existing users can just continue using the app as we don't plan to remove DSProxies support. We'll roll out options to move positions from DSProxies to Safes soon.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
DeFi Safer. Besides the enhanced security of multisigs and battle-testedness of Safe, all smart contract changes on our end have been audited by our long-term security partners Dedaub. Additionally, we have increased our highest level bug bounty (on Immunefi) to $350k.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Safe is also the most battle-tested multisig wallet. Starting today, you can enjoy native support for Safe multisigs at DeFi Saver, where you can both initiate new transactions, as well as sign and execute *any* initiated Safe multisig transactions.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Safe is compatible with many DeFi apps and frontends. What this means for users moving forward is that they'll be able to check and manage positions created at DeFi Saver in a number of different frontends. The lock-in effect was never intended and we're glad to eliminate it.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Safe is open and permissionless to build on. This was a key aspect in our decision to use Safes moving forward. We believe that composability is one of the main benefits of DeFi and want to build in a space that allows it. As Vitalik put it recently: "Build tools, not empires."
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Safe is the most popular smart wallet in the Ethereum ecosystem. With over 7.6m Safes deployed across mainnet, L2s and other EVM networks and over $120B worth of assets secured on Safes, it's undoubtedly the industry leader.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
DeFi Saver is now powered by @safe. Starting today, Safes are natively supported and will be the default smart wallet for new users, introducing greater compatibility, enhanced security and improved UX. Read on for more details or check it out now at
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
Devs have been cooking and are now preparing for launch.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ Going live on Thursday - stay tuned and see you then.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
The devs have been cooking and it will be live soon.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ ETA: Some time *this* week.
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DeFi Saver pfp
DeFi Saver
The devs have been cooking and it will be safe.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ ETA: Some time next week.
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