Yitong pfp
Since Agora is fully MIT-licensed open source software, trying to put some bounties up for folks who might want to contribute! I know yall love frames, so here's a start: https://warpcast.com/yitong/0xc6797922 https://warpcast.com/yitong/0x91beacd9 Lmk if you have any questions!
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Just curious, what's the benefit of MIT over GPL in your case? (Context: MIT is even more permissive. Unlike GPL, it lets people make closed-source forks.)
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Yitong pfp
It's true – MIT is just the license that most folks who adopt Agora are comfortable with so just went with that. Imo in practice they're almost the same.
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