Vitalik Buterin
Dependency minimalism (writing software that deliberately tries to have as few dependencies as practical) is a really underrated virtue imo. Every single dependency is a risk that "something will go wrong" during someone's installation process. Installing projects with hundreds of dependencies and walking through errors can be incredibly frustrating.
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
Strongly agree. The best software are things like SQLlite and noble/curves that are "as little code as possible but no less", tight dependency hygiene, thorough tests and do one thing well
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Samuel ツ
any tips / pointers on getting there for frontend projects? been thinking alot about this in the context of all the DEFI Frames we're building at dTech Typescript as ecosystem is filled with dependency hell
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This is not just something to agree upon. Its a salient fact of system engineering. Knowing the relationships between the functions, and the function itself, has you consult with the purpose of said function and the existential idea of the function. In summary, being open to getting-rid of the function, or radically changing it in a way where it is no longer itself, but is something else entirely, has you not hard code beliefs of relationships but rather understand the malleability and the act of building with creativity. Reshaping the system changes the relationships. Understanding the thing itself will have you consult with the question "why do I need this in first place" and being absolutely ruthless about that inquiry. In it's pursuit you see how the thing breaks in experimentation and you map that to changing models of theory to assist your intuition on future systemic endeavors. This is a revolution to how to live and think about life, not just a sect of a certain phenomenon or industry niche.
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