Linda Xie
It's wild while living in Argentina as a foreigner to experience 3 different exchange rates for US dollars to Argentine pesos Official gov rate (e.g. airport stand): $1 for ~185 pesos VISA/Mastercard (diff than official gov rate as of Nov 2022): $1 for ~330 pesos Black market ("blue dollar"): $1 for ~370 pesos
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
are people still using tron stablecoins on binance? (the custodial binance app, not BSC...) i get why they do it; zero fees, $1=$1, phone-call-based account recovery. but it's a ticking bomb for sure
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That’s actually the reason why trc volumes are so high—people depend on it to make payments in countries like Iran, Nigeria, etc. where fx payment infra is tightly controlled In our western eyes it’s a time bomb but there’s literally millions of people using it for their daily lives
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
i know! which is great in that it shows a real important non-speculative market for crypto but it's a precarious stopgap Ethereum should feel a serious sense of urgency to compete
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
at any moment, - Singapore/China/??? could shut down Binance (fun fact, they won't say which country they're based in) - USDD &/or USDT could depeg the trust of people in Venezuela, Argentina, Iran, Nigeria who are trying to save a few bucks and live freely is not gonna be easily regained if their balances poof
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