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Even if you’re wrong, take solace in knowing that you can never be as wrong as Francis Fukuyama
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Ivan P
I have not read Fukuyama but I am reading Capitalist Realism and I think Mark Fisher is making an argument that F is right in the sense that it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of liberal capitalism. That history has not stopped is just reactionary fighting against the stability of the system.
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Same could've been said about monarchy. Lasted arguably way longer than liberal capitalism. Is democracy a reactionary fighting against the stability of monarchy?
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Ivan P
Agree. I suppose this depends on whether the radicalization of politics over the past years is a movement in a new direction or just a temporary pendulum swing with the general libcap direction staying the same. I see as more of the latter but hope that the pendulum swings left hard after this. I suck at predictions
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“Predictions are hard, especially about the future” (Niels Bohr). I think we all suck at it, even those who, like a broken clock, got lucky once and have been coasting on that singular success ever since (e.g., Michael Burry)
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