Davivi pfp



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Davivi pfp
“This superiority of the professional insider every bureaucracy seeks further to increase through the means of keeping secret its knowledge and intentions. Bureaucratic administration always tends to exclude the public, to hide its knowledge and action from criticism as well as it can. Bureaucracy naturally prefers a poorly informed, and hence powerless, parliament – at least insofar as this ignorance is compatible with the bureaucracy’s won interests” (Max Weber, Economy and Society:993).
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Davivi pfp
Bureaucracy "in contrast to the feudal order based upon personal loyalty – is easily made to work for anybody who knows how to gain control over it. A rationally ordered officialdom continues to function smoothly after the enemy has occupied the territory; he merely needs to change the top officials. It continues to operate because it is to the vital interest of everyone concerned, including above all the enemy” (Weber, Economy and Society, 1913)
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Davivi pfp
“The purely economic compensation of the office as a private source of income for the official can also lead to the direct purchase of offices” - Max Weber, Economy and Society, 1921
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Davivi pfp
Antonio Gramsci died after 11 years in prison. He wrote about the idea of 'organic intellectuals' - people who emerge from the struggles of ordinary life to help shape movements without needing the academic degrees and titles that are the paper Rolexes of today's elite. Cypherpunks, DAO builders, web3 bloggers and Warpcasters are the organic intellectuals of the modern world. They don't just write and talk. They build.
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Davivi pfp
Love is not an extreme form of like. It is possible, and often desirable, to love even what one does not like. They are separate but interrelated concepts.
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Davivi pfp
"Faith is to believe what you do not see. The reward of this faith is to see what you believe. Pray as though everything depends on God. Work as though everything depends on you." - St. Augustine
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Davivi pfp
Happiness is the result of right actions. In the same way, money is the result of right trading. The point of life isn't happiness, and the point of trading isn't money. Good orderly direction provides both.
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Davivi pfp
Layer zero is the Dao, the ineffable substrate—the primordial base layer that underpins all existence and remains beyond articulation. It is the foundation upon which all other structures arise, the silent origin of reality itself.
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Davivi pfp
Layer three is a meta-structure, superimposed on layer two, designed to streamline and optimize its operations. This includes technologies, bureaucracies, and logistical systems that rationalize, amplify, and extend the reach of the layer two structures. It may involve mechanisms like data systems, algorithms, corporate hierarchies, and governance frameworks that serve to refine and perpetuate the dynamics of the second layer while maintaining its normative assumptions.
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Davivi pfp
Layer two involves the social, cultural, and economic structures that we have imposed upon this reality, such as race, class, and gender, alongside their normative expressions – systems of oppression and stratification, such as slavery, capitalism, and gender discrimination, which are perpetuated and reinforced by institutions such as prisons, plantations, factories, and religious organizations, which serve to legitimize and maintain these norms. This layer represents the constructed systems of meaning and control that shape and constrain lived experience.
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Davivi pfp
Layer one is the tangible reality we inhabit—the material and physical world. It encompasses the fundamental conditions of existence, unmediated by human constructs.
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Davivi pfp
Are humans naturally self-interested? Or is self-interest a reframing of greed - a packaged and marketed "gluten-free" no saturated fat version of avarice? Is it okay to care about ourselves rather than everyone? Are we humans a collective of beings or a tribe protecting scarce resources?
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Davivi pfp
The original definition of "passion" referred to intense experiences of suffering or submission. It has to do with a lack of control over one’s emotions or circumstances. In the early modern period (1500-1800), the passions of pride and revenge were seen by philosophers and the church as destabilizing forces. Greed was seen as more predictable, because it could channel destructive passions into productive activities, such as trade and commerce, contributing to societal stability. Adam Smith framed greed as self-interest, and described it as a driver of progress. Greed was reframed from a moral vice to a rational and virtuous pursuit. Self-interest is rooted in suffering and submission. A reframed painting has the same picture. Only the frame has changed.
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Davivi pfp
A university hires a professor and pays them to write academic articles. The academic journal pays the writer nothing to use their material. In fact, many journals charge the author thousands to publish an article. The peer reviewer for the articles gets nothing for their work, either. Then the university has to pay thousands of dollars a year for a subscription to the journal so that their students can read the articles they paid the professor to write. This is a scam and the profit margins for the academic journals are off the charts. The future of academia is web3, decentralized with low bureaucracy, open access, and transparent with writers holding their own IP and being paid for their work, both as teachers and authors. First it was defi, then gamefi, then socialfi and now desci.
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Davivi pfp
DAOs need to be created by people who don't agree with each other. We are joined by ideology, not geography. Our metamorphoses involve transmuting differences into similarities, lead into gold. As Narcissus said to Echo, "This way, we must come together."
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Davivi pfp
All suggestions are free. It’s the ones you don’t take that you pay for.
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Davivi pfp
The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down in order to feel it’s warmth.
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