Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
We’re relaunching @farcon ticket sales tomorrow at 1PM EST at a reduced price of 0.01 ETH 🫡 We really appreciate your feedback and support yesterday and wrote a Screenshot Essay with all the details 💜 In the replies, there’s a blog post that goes into pricing/other notes 🔥
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davisshaver.eth pfp
Most excited I’ve been to completely revise a story for TWIF! What’s the feeling on someone who might want to mint a ticket even though they can’t attend because @0xen’s art is just that good?
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Also 😂😂😂 on the revision - hope it’s not too much extra work
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Hmmm - let us get back to you (quickly) on this. We definitely want the tickets to be signals for us to know who is gonna be irl, but this is a super interesting thread to pull. This is why FarCon is gonna be lit - community driven ideas from kickass people 🫡🫡🫡
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I think @0xen just solved our dilemma 👀
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