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Spencer Perkins
The recent NounSwap treasury swap props have revived the discussion around permissionless swapping (thanks @frog). Curious what the sentiment is around a simple swap contract with a fixed fee going to the treasury? This is similar to what we proposed in NounSwap’s original failed proposal, but based on community feedback, and potentially a shift in sentiment from $nouns wanted to re-engage to see if this is something the DAO would be interested in. The benefit is a new revenue stream for the DAO, and preventing wasting attention and gas of having treasury swap offers going through governance.
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Davin クマ
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
can you elaborate on why permissionless is in scare quotes
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Davin クマ
oh it’s not scare quotes. Certainly didn’t mean it in that way. permission-less is a core crypto concept that speaks to me deeply!
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