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Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
@frog Minimal POC for a contract that would custody all of the t-nouns and let anyone swap for a fee without having to create a proposal. Looking for feedback on contract and also if this is something worth seriously pursuing.
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
steps 1. nouns treasury is owner of the contract 2. nouns sends as many / all of the t-nouns as they'd like to this contract 3. anyone can swap with `swapNoun` 4. via proposal, treasury (owner) can revoke nouns either to some address (if someone creates a prop and wants a noun) or back to treasury 5. anyone can call `cashout` which sends fees back to treasury
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Feedback on contract: moving treasury nouns will increase adjustedTotalSupply, which is wrong. Another way to implement this is to keep the nouns in the treasury and give the side contract approval to transfer nouns from the treasury.
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Michael Gingras (lilfrog)
Yea, nice callout. I was talking to @coleperkins and @spencerperkins.eth and they suggested the same. Much more elegant
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