Dave White pfp

Dave White


56 Following

Dave White pfp
Dave White
if I was working at lyft I’d be doing everything I could to identify people who usually use Uber but occasionally check Lyft when wait times / prices are too high and then giving them absolutely ridiculously good service until they convert
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
bot that automatically cross-posts between twitter and FC should also work for replies if both users are using the bot, so we can migrate over whole conversations
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
hmmmmm, now why would he need a heap implementation 🤔
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
a deck-building game where you get to build your opponent’s deck call it dreck-builder
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
what on earth could he be up to 🤔
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
game design challenge: design a card game that lives inside e.g. the overwatch or LoL client and can be played while queuing what constraints matter most?
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
farcaster assasin frame: click to get assigned a target if you reply to one of their posts and they don't reply "defend" you kill them and take over their target last caster standing wins
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
anyone see lisa frankenstein yet? pretty great honestly
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
familiar mood
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
pre-registering at least one, like, weird vivid if not lucid dream tonight
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
probably nothing
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
schizo post on twitter, autist cast on FC
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
most don’t know this but a hat is isomorphic to a table topologically speaking, in this paper I aim to
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
🐇 🕳️
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
do we perceive ladybugs as cute because they have a cute name, or did we give them a cute name because we perceive them as cute?
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
I designed a new type of MEV-resistant auction with @danrobinson, @0xvanbeethoven, and @karth. We've been exploring the emerging intersection of auctions, consensus, and MEV. Our first creation is the Leaderless Auction, a decentralized auction with no auctioneer. 1/
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
my soundcloud: did you know you can learn to recognize that you're dreaming, while you're dreaming? come learn at /lucid-dreaming
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
frame of the day, also please say nice stuff about me tx
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
there is just something about songs that start with sirens, inevitable banger
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Dave White pfp
Dave White
this but a frame
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