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The Saga
Dulingurel bounced along the rutted country road, even the fine wheels of her new carriage - her husbands carriage - not capable of smoothing the ride. She smoothed her skirts around her for the tenth time, the smile that dawns on her face both nervous and full of too much joy to contain.
She was married, now. Her mother and small sister would be okay, now. This was her father’s final gift to them all, this arranged marriage.
And Hughelor was lovely. Talk and handsome, with a ready smile and happy to hear her thoughts, to share books and walks. The house, the wealth…she was the most fortunate girl in the world.
The carriage finally pulled up in front of the grand house, her new maid and gardener waiting to welcome their mistress as the houseman helped her out and began to bring in her trunks.
Yes, she was the most fortunate girl in the world. 1 reply
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