datadanne pfp



485 Following

datadanne pfp
Congrats!! One of my favorite web 3 products overall 👏 (cool to see some of my context code being used in the launch frame!)
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datadanne pfp
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datadanne pfp
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datadanne pfp
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datadanne pfp
kiosk looks amazing, congrats on the launch! can't wait to try it
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datadanne pfp
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datadanne pfp
Oh I would love to join this if you have room for one more?
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datadanne pfp
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datadanne pfp
going alone to shows is underrated imo! gl hf
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datadanne pfp
the /nouns x /rounds combo feels extremely powerful, incentivizing participation in a channel where the overall cast quality is pretty high is so smart and can create a really positive flywheel. I claimed ~0.025 eth in rewards yesterday & earning that much eth for just casting felt awesome ⌐◨-◨
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datadanne pfp
do you still need testers? I'd be happy to go through the flow today!
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datadanne pfp
wait I actually made it to the top 3 on the cycling leaderboard last week! 🤯
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datadanne pfp
won't be at farcon but these are all great! would love to pick up a hat and maybe a think different t-shirt
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datadanne pfp
- for some reason when the fid is in the top left corner, and maybe because of the #, it feels like some sort of ranking and not the user id to me
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datadanne pfp
- it's hard to know what the external-arrow icon in the top right corner will do since there is a warpcast link under the card - would be great to be able to pin 1-3 casts that would show under the profile. I don't like pinned casts on profiles in clients since they push down recent activity, but feels natural here
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datadanne pfp
looks really nice and is a great idea imo, gj! some thoughts/feedback below: - it's a bit confusing that the entire header (including the username) links to the home page. maybe visually separate them (on hover?) to clarify that clicking will go to and not something related to the user
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datadanne pfp
I haven't looked into that so I don't know but I would guess it is just calculated as 'ticks' of X points per time unit U, and if you provide 1% of all liquidity you get 1% of X every U. the dune query that is used to calculate liquidity mining points is here if you want to take a look:
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datadanne pfp
Something is broken with the verified addresses query Extracting the address from the json column no longer works, dunno if dune changed something or if neynars dataset changed but you might be able to work around it if you fork the query and fix that?
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datadanne pfp
so if you have > 500 total casts and your account is over I think it is ~370 days you get the maximum value out of the formula, the only thing that matters then is the number of reactions on your casts. they're also scaling down everyone's tips over time so everyone's allocation is much lower now than it was in s1
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datadanne pfp
the only thing that impacts your rank is the median number of new reactions to all your root casts (= not replies) over the last 7 days, thoughtful tipping & getting tipped doesn't matter. if you have < 50, < 100 or < 500 total casts your median # of reactions are worth less, and there's an account age boost as well
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