Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp

Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩


2500 Following

Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
so cute https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-25.png
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
" Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” — Mahatma Gandhi Gm https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-5.png
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
🕹️ Come play games in the Farcade!
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
Blockgotchi Day 2. My art for 002 is aave #Ronnie "A happy ghost exist in the blockchain." #Blockgotchi #Aave #Defi
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
notionでクリプトパニック的なweb3記事アグリゲーターを作っています。クローズドでURL共有しているのでlens内で関心ある方はリプ下さい! こういうのって権利周り大変なのでまだ一般公開はできませんが、実用できそうであればぜひ使って頂きたい。 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-0j0xp-JgTXdp31-eob4c_tZChPWdiARvFw&s
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
Only those who do not follow the path of others discover the amazing places of this world... https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/199737b2a73c1207d3058e8e5365bda86782c24b81e784229a4b4fc19f4deeff.jpg
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
Almost ready to ship... https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmNLv1bjGGPyUSjpzShGhiFEteqBmi9D8ZG3pdYosFVebG
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
Such a bummer, I've got nobody to talk with about the BRC20. I'm a OG of this market, maybe it was the life of the OG of the first BTC owner.
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
مش مولکی از دیار شهرکرد https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-23.png
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
thinking about what a lens post could be. if the creative space is as open as nfts... this changes everything.
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
Fooook Spain scored ⚽ beautiful goal tho.
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
Cant wait to see them run . [Derby Stars — Does the higher rarity mean your boi is better? — Part 1 (Thai Version)](https://medium.com/UntitledHorseLoverClub/derby-stars-does-the-higher-rarity-mean-your-boi-is-better-part-1-thai-version-608ed4543935) By Khun Humnoi 🦄 #4555 (https://twitter.com/bond158) Madriz#2668 (https://twitter.com/zrelenin) https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:1/plain/0d65cff7f7829b99bd6a15f752aae128
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
happy merge week ! https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYDyMheJv4KWALlz1gCnYwv_NnENyYlHFS3w&s
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
Pincushion is ready to head to the west coast! https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRlA6ZHc2ItVqCFLnjPHLry2u4RmF18TcfaA&s
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
ふぁ〜ぶぁ〜からこんにちは🌿.lens https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:1/plain/8a7991143f25706d6c5a8a46f43defcd
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
I can't write concisely as demanded by today's social media. How can I describe Thai cuisine? To me, it's like my grandmother's pies—you'll never forget their taste. It's like making love to your favorite person—an indescribable pleasure. It's like a tornado sweeping everything in its path. It's like a dormant volcano ready to erupt with fiery lava. It's like Pompeii—hiding its secrets beneath layers. Hope that explains it! 😂😂😂 That's Thai food for you. club/travel club/photography https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScyAKD7L7jinoVDM0ACeohSeUdZBLlLkW0fg&s
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
Me: Gets an idea for a new side-project 5 mins later: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTfXgMRp3iTNLWFBSXkLlUR0Pz0ovCDhZcANQ&s
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
#BRC20 maxi over here ? $ORDI
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Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩 pfp
Lê Tấn Đạt 🎩
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM8dCGIm6yc Who knows the Hu? It's a Mongolian Rock Band. I love the cultural influences from throat singing and instruments like 'horsehead fiddle, mongolian guitar, jaw harp. They classify themselves as 'Hunnu Rock'. The lyrics are really cool too. 😀
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