Joan Westenberg pfp
Joan Westenberg
Ideas are worth nothing when you keep them secret. Ideas are worth gold when you share them, shout about them and inspire folks. There's value in being passionate about sharing your ideas. Giving them away. Building an entire brand around your thinking. Be an Ideas Guy.
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Aghahowa.degen🎩🔮🍖⛓ pfp
Hmmm I beg to differ Joan. This is why I like @jacek . He doesnt share any of the ideas or stuff Degen guys are working on. Just announces when its live. And its psychologically proven that sharing your ideas and plans give a level of dopamine which should have come from when its been executed. What do you think?
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Stevo Believo pfp
Stevo Believo
Tell me your ideas so I can steal them!
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zoo pfp
ty i need to hear this on repeat fr
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Monist 🎩🏳️‍🌈 pfp
Monist 🎩🏳️‍🌈
I love this sentiment. I also worry that nobody actually rewards folks for their ideas, just capitalizes on them and then gives a mention later on.
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Charli Cohen pfp
Charli Cohen
completely agree in the creative industry (my experience anyway) you’re literally taught to “protect” your ideas from school age and it’s a mindfuck to share them before you’ve safely executed them yourself - I’m still reconditioning
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Ashish Dutt pfp
Ashish Dutt
In my experience, ideas mean nothing without execution to follow them up. I'm not saying thinking up ideas is easy, however, taking those ideas to fruition is where everybody stumbles and you separate the wheat from the chaff.
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Roman 🎤 | 🎩 | 🔵 |  pfp
Roman 🎤 | 🎩 | 🔵 |
Sometimes you gotta keep the idea in secret if you don't want it to be stolen by somebody
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