Joan Westenberg pfp
Joan Westenberg
No, the vast majority of people are never going to replace watching movies/TV shows with prompt generated personalised media. Thatโ€™s a bizarre fever dream from people who know very little about either AI or human behaviour People want shared social experiences.
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_slow_crypto ๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ pfp
_slow_crypto ๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Unless that shared social experience is "what did you get?" (Yes, the exception. But it's a fun one that's been considered in the office even by folks who aren't super up on AI etc.)
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Michael Pfister @ FarCon pfp
Michael Pfister @ FarCon
I agree, and think that generative AI content will work better in video games. Especially RPGs where you need to talk to other characters to discover information. A good example showing early signs of what's possible, @noahfradin built
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maurelian - aux farรงon pfp
maurelian - aux farรงon
Itโ€™s gonna be both
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kbc - q/dau pfp
kbc - q/dau
What if you could do these prompts with others? A group of friends generating their media together?
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AwedJob ๐ŸŽฉ pfp
AwedJob ๐ŸŽฉ
What if a personalized, shared social experience? Something AI generated for me and my 3 close friends would be appealing by incorporating our common interests. I donโ€™t watch broadcast TV any more. I have an affinity for astrophysics and the JWST. A narrowcast with that as subject matter may be a sweet spot.
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m_j_r pfp
I'll push back on this. what movie/TV show doesn't have fan theories/fiction? imho there's something in production with a high-cost barrier that's going to get lowered; how is that typically a group activity, & what interface would be needed to make it massively multiplayer? doesn't need to be AI for AI to compel it.
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Augustine Cost pfp
Augustine Cost
Also, the AI is going to suck at music for a long time.
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