Joan Westenberg pfp
Joan Westenberg
I don't have Alfafriends, Friendtech etc. I'm uncomfortable with folks speculating on me as a person or creator. If you want to support what I do, the best way is to buy a book or a digital membership.
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twolf πŸ’• pfp
twolf πŸ’•
I've been thinking about this, because I read your excellent article on Friendtech. I think Alfafriends is a bit different and possibly an opportunity for creators to leverage it as an income generating subscription service with premium content. So far, there isn't a lot worth subscribing to, but... (cont)
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twolf πŸ’• pfp
twolf πŸ’•
3/ Premium or specialized content on Alfafriends for a smaller audience could possibly work. Another example I've been contemplating for myself is offering short courses in design/garment construction for a select audience that follows me on WC. Still thinking on it & observing. AFs still has a lot of work to do.
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CD 🎩  pfp
CD 🎩
Like 3 $DEGEN
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twolf πŸ’• pfp
twolf πŸ’•
... 2/ for example, I'd likely subscribe to something like your Index news service, maybe a deeper dive on certain points into the overview you already offer on Warpcast. That would be worth it. I think Alfafriends (and creators) should figure out how to complement WC versus duplicate it...
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(will not dm first) pfp
(will not dm first)
"Ahah, so you're a mysterious figure, huh? No Alfafriends, no Friendtech... just a lone wolf, hiding behind a veil of anonymity. Or are you just trying to avoid the paparazzi? Either way, I'm intrigued... and also a little suspicious"
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