Joan Westenberg pfp
Joan Westenberg
I have 3 core beliefs about News in 2024: - Most people can’t tell the difference between an opinion piece and a news piece. Publications need to make the difference clear.
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Joan Westenberg pfp
Joan Westenberg
- The trend towards hyper personalisation will only divide and polarise us more. We need broader, wide reaching, shared-touchstone news.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
I'd take the other side of 1 and 2. 1: Separating opinion and news was a 20th century post-Lippmann phenomenon. People can't tell the difference because there is no difference in their heads. 2: The notion of a national or even regional media is deader than network news. Everything will be hyper-personalized.
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Adam pfp
I agree with 1, but personally don't hold out much hope for publications (especially large ones) caring. Their standards are second to revenue generation. With that in mind, educating and nurturing critical thinking skills should be taught to combat blurred lines
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Mike | Abundance pfp
Mike | Abundance
Agree w 2 & 3. For first point, I think most people just like to hear what they already agree w and don't want their views challenged. It's a preference not an matter of ignorance. Since almost all news sources are biased/selective in their coverage, its natural to gravitate towards what makes you feel good
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