Dante pfp



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Dante pfp
What is your number one self-care habit? The one thing that, if you do it, makes your day better, and if you don’t, your day just isn’t the same. For me, it’s exercise. I've noticed that when I’ve been at my lowest—either depressed or burned out—it's usually when I’ve stopped training and neglected self-care for some reason. People who feel anxious, depressed, or burned out often lack a routine or protocol that includes self-care when you analyze their lives. Not moving enough, eating poorly, not sleeping well, spending most of the day online, doomscrolling, flooding themselves with dopamine hits, and fragmenting their minds. Additionally, they may lack meaning, emotional regulation, self-control, goals, and a clear sense of purpose. If we don't feel a sense of agency or control over our lives, we feel disorganized, which only increases anxiety and stress. High achievers know what they need to do to maintain their high energy levels, balancing intense activity with intense rest.
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Dante pfp
Seek not that the things which happen should happen as you wish. Wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.
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Dante pfp
Second training of the day, the 🍒 on the top. As many reps as possible in 15min. 21 Wall balls 15 Toes to bar 9 Sumo deadlift high pull Feeling weak cause the goal was to hit 5 rounds but did 4 and started the 5th. A good opportunity to practice compasion and progressive mindset. P.S: I did finish the 5th round just because.
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Dante pfp
What do you wish the most right now? What is the outcome of achieving it? What are the obstacles? What is the plan? This is the WOOP method that we can apply to any wish or goal that we desire Wish Outcome Obstacles Plan WOOP Obstacles make me stronger OMMS! -> Mantra
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Dante pfp
Euthymia: ‘believing in yourself and trusting that you are on the right path, and not being in doubt by following the myriad footpaths of those wandering in every direction.’ Tranquility and peace are found in identifying our path and sticking to it: staying the course making adjustments here and there, naturally but ignoring the distracting sirens who beckon us to turn toward the rocks. The primary obstacle to your tranquility? Failing to step back from the “common opinion” of the world and trusting yourself as your own taskmaster. Get clear. Do what you’re here to do.
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Dante pfp
We are becoming moment to moment. Life present itself as a choice in every action, we can choose grow, stagnation or deterioration. Every day evolving into a better human than yesterday. What is your choice? Are you choosing your best self? What one can be, one most be.
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Dante pfp
After seven months of work, I won a second scholarship with Heroic two weeks ago. So today, I’m officially starting Class XXV of the Heroic Coach Program Certification. Day 1 of 300, finishing with a Spartan race. All in. Let’s go! 🔥 “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.” P.S. Seems like a good sign to start the day with a rainbow, huh? Thank you, dear Universe.
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Dante pfp
We should start with the end in mind. What does the last decade of your life look like? That version of you is with you today. It's what you're becoming moment by moment. We are what we repeatedly do.
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Dante pfp
We are a complex interconnected being, there is a deep continuity between the body and the mind. The rules in place for our biology are the same for our cognition. Having a suboptimal metabolism is affecting the way you perceive reality.
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Dante pfp
It's supposed to be challenging Comfort is an illusion We are designed for adventure
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Dante pfp
What was the last book you read? I'm about to embarking on this reading 👌🏼 Wisdom incoming 🙏🏼
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Dante pfp
The Good Life is knowing how to Love Wisely.
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Dante pfp
Another day one ❤️‍🔥 Investing energy to create energy ⚡️ Perpetual motion machine Have a wonderful weekend if you read this, beautiful fellow human Remember to take care of yourself We need you at your best 👌🏼
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Dante pfp
This is one of the best House DJs of the moment 👌🏼 The music selection, the style, the performance, everything is on point, sophisticated. A full vibe ✨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F18SSVgeL8
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Dante pfp
Pffff this makes me super excited Let's see how it goes 👁️👁️
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Dante pfp
This might be dumb but I just bought on thriftbooks: The Bhagavad Gita and The Gulag Archipelago I'm so fucking excited
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Dante pfp
Waking up at 5 AM without an alarm Meditation/breathwork Stretching Deep Work Walk 1/3 Team meetings Checked social media/phone 4 hours after waking up. Today is already a W day!
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Dante pfp
Tuesday ❤️‍🔥 Another day at the playground Investing energy to create energy
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Dante pfp
We need to work with stubbornness and strong discipline until our willpower to do the right thing leads to a disposition of doing the right thing. Reach that destination where the things that are pleasant and honorable finally become the same.
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Dante pfp
We climb two mountains in life. The first mountain is about chasing happiness, tied to success, wealth, culture signaling and personal achievements. The second mountain is about discovering joy, self-transcending, emerging from deep commitments to something greater than us (vocation, community, family, humanity). Happiness fades - Joy endures.
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