Daniel Sinclair pfp

Daniel Sinclair


257 Following

Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Anyone build a Zwift/Rouvy pain cave that they really love? I'm pretty envious of the immersive builds you see in the flight sim and golf sim communities. There are some neat industrial projector mapping concepts out there though, like this from Imersu
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Landed that 4️⃣ spot in cycling last week. ~170 miles for the 7 day rolling average, all on-chain. Using Receipts everyday in the new Rainbow dApp browser made it very fun. https://warpcast.com/vm/0x3d23a1be
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Would love to see historical leaderboards on Receipts, like last week and monthly! Forgot to grab a screenshot before the weekly cutoff last week and it's gone πŸ’¨
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0xFa9E10aB4917CD0249F39Ac1F74f5d04148F207C let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Maze gates for crossings (even dumb ones like gravel driveways) are proliferating everywhere in the northeast. So much wasted money, and they make these lovely trails more dangerous. Had to weave through ~2 dozen on this ride
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Degening and defragging from Raycast
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Seeing that a lot people haven't yet been through the heartbreak of trying to use App Intents, SiriKit, or Core Spotlight and NSUserActivity for anything meaningful outside of a WWDC demo.
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Passkeys and 2FA in Passwords.apps! Very nice.
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Apple really whispered that RCS support acknowledgement
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Noooo who amongst us snagged the daniel degen subdomain. Born too late for the .com, .me, and ENS. And then missed another one
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Slow climbing day with almost ~4k feet of elevation gain! Lots of fun quick descents and not-so-fun potholes to dodge at 35mph
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Central air in mid-2000s residential construction is a plague. This is after all of the optimizations
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Hanging around a ~60 apoB, which is at the ceiling of optimal. Anyone reach 30 or 40 without pharmaceutical interventions? There are great online clinics for cold sores or GLP-1s now β€” does the same exist for cardiovascular risk to evaluate those options?
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Very curious to see how Apple will handle Passkeys and Private Keys / Seed Phrases in the new Passwords app! The status quo isn't great. https://x.com/markgurman/status/1798813700922724433
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Stair climbing support would be awesome on Receipts! A fun Zone 5 workout is climbing this big boi on a StairMaster. Dramatically helps endurance for running and cycling and boosts your ego 😁
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
The animated loading bar in this frame is hot
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
On the extension you can right-click to hide tokens now too πŸ‘‰πŸ—‘οΈ Or you can search for one with Cmd+K and hide it with the Cmd+Return action list there Oh and you can hide it from a Token’s page with the menu in the top right The spam won’t know what hit β€˜em
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Exciting unlock for Frames. Could see some useful Direct Cast bots similar to Telegram being built with this!
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
It's great to see Lit's Domain Wallet Authentication CAIP draft moving along. The "connect wallet" paradigm is beginning to fall apart with non-standard, isolated Web Wallets, so leaning into identity as a way to let users bring their wallet everywhere is a good direction https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs/pull/275
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Daniel Sinclair pfp
Daniel Sinclair
Great addition to Raycast. I was previously using Magnet, and my favorite command to push windows between monitors and split windows vertically is ctrl+opt+cmd+←↓↑→ https://x.com/raycastapp/status/1793280837993283881
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