Daniel McGlynn pfp

Daniel McGlynn


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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
It's another Sunday Funday, which means it's also time for another issue of the newsletter. This one's all about how scaling is shaping up to be a major theme of this market cycle. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/issue-16-superchain-layer-3-and-the-push-to-scale/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I'm still not really sure why writing a 1,000-word blog piece feels pretty routine, like walking. But ask me to write a few hundred characters for social media and it feels like work, like running. I'm not sure why, or what to do about it.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Early blockchain, or more specifically, apps built on top of blockchain were like islands. It wasn't easy to move between them, but there were also advantages to the sense of clearly defined federation. For the good and/or the bad, supersizing changes things. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/scaling-with-superchain/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Thank you
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I thought my little foray into the Bitcoin halving and hashrate would be a one-week thing. By the looks of it, the halving and the launch of Runes has created some interesting dynamics. We'll dive into that next week. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/issue-14/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I'm sure you've had the conversation a million times too. The one where you try to explain how bitcoin works in two minutes or less. A key feature, and part of the reason the halving is such a big deal, is how bitcoin the asset is so well-defined. And pre-programmed, which is pretty amazing when you think about it.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I just published this week's newsletter. We take a deep dive into onchain publishing and some related issues and opportunities. What's covered: *Is onchain publishing a new media model or just a new tech stack? *Should everything published onchain also be archived forever?
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Here's the result. Lots of wrestling with the concept, but I'm still on the fence about the idea of a permaweb as a default for internet publishing. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/arweave-and-the-idea-of-the-permaweb/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Hey team /words I'm writing a post about the permaweb and I was hoping to get some thoughts from others. It looks like the default for onchain publications is that posts are archived via arweave and basically become a permanent record. Curious to hear how you all feel about this. Thx
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
So I'm writing a series about moving onchain and what that means and what it all looks like. I got started on Paragraph and hope to publish a piece there soon, but in the meantime, there's this: https://www.danielmcglynn.com/words-onchain-paragraph/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Once I realized that crypto was more than just a new form of money. To borrow some tech jargon, I figured out crypto is actually a full-stack situation. There's a money layer and and data/information layer that when combined allow people to create, distribute, monetize, and own everything from ideas to real assets.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
For the prompt: What gets me excited about crypto? Everyday tools and networks will be permissionless. And that great opportunities will no longer be reserved only for "accredited investors." Also, it's a new way to organize around interest, culture, and community instead of having to fit into massive platforms.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Continuing with the "how to get onchain" series and taking a deeper dive into NFTs and I'm looking for examples or creators of text-based mints. Artifacts like blog posts, quotes, long reads, poems, six-word stories, whatever. Where should I look?
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
A few thoughts on how NFTs are evolving and the importance to the future of the internet. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/what-is-an-nft/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Sometimes I wish I was better at creating simple sketches. Most of my work involves writing about complex topics. Sometimes I visualize those topics as illustrations (like maybe a flow chart or a diagram) and then use that to write. I don't actually make the sketches, but recently I've been thinking maybe I should.
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Yesterday's newsletter included a profile of /receipts. My main takeaway is that it's pretty cool to have "proof-of-workout" in a wallet. It was also fun thinking about all of the other stuff an app like Receipts will make possible. I'm looking for ideas for other great onchain apps to profile next...
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
I'm working on a small series. The basic idea is a grip of guides that act like a "how to get onchain" starter pack. I'm doing short profiles of non-financial onchain apps. The goal is to help people who are interested or curious to take the next step. What are your favorites? What do you recommend I include?
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
Cool idea, thanks for the mention @danicaswanson
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
For the fans. https://www.danielmcglynn.com/what-is-bracket-game/
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Daniel McGlynn pfp
Daniel McGlynn
It's pretty wild to think about all of the infrastructure in development to bring RWAs onchain. Oracles, attestation services, etc., all kinds of interesting projects and ideas that could be market defining, but that can also operate lean and without a lot of flashy marketing.
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