Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Appreciate it. Of course I couldn't have known in advance that @edit would become such an outstanding addition to Farcaster. I just loved the Zorbitecture collection, noted that lots of other casters did too, and rounded up warps to invite the artist to FC. @edit did all the rest. It's a fun bit of lore, though!
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Headmaster_Scrodom 🎩  pfp
Headmaster_Scrodom 🎩
100 $degen & 100 warps. @edit has been the most hospitable, helpful, friendly, and inspirational fren that I have made here. If you are who I need to thank for hiring this amazing person, payment in degen/warps could never be sufficient. Thank you. Truly. Ed1t Van Degen has been a rockstar for me. 🎸 💟 🎩
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