foxwizard pfp
Hoy friends, I just shared a museletter with my 11k subscribers, championing farcaster and decentralised social media. And genart. You might enjoy it, too.
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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Nice work, as always! Great quote from Finite and Infinite Games on selfhood-in-community. I want to re-read that book soon. I love the way conversations seem to emerge here too. I think the Farcaster ecosystem is far and away the best place to go for the "viable town square" atmosphere you describe.
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foxwizard pfp
Thanks so much for reading! Interestingly, on the town square side, I have friends rightfully worry about what happens if a β€œplatform” allows hate speech to proliferate without moderation. I’m yet to think my way through how this could be ameliorated/circumvented on farcaster. Hope it doesn’t become an issue.
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