Danica Swanson
I wrote an unplanned 2000-word response, in first-person journal style, to these thoughtful questions. It's kinda spicy, and it's not everyone's cuppa. But it also wants to be shared in a Farcaster context. So instead of posting it publicly, I'm going to token-gate it for my current Fan Token holders (.5 and higher), and also share it in a private link with @manansh and the friends who bid on my Fan Tokens early but were outbid by snipers. I'm using @moxiescout to get the list of early bidder names. (https://moxiescout.vercel.app/auction/8451) Release date will be Monday, Dec. 16.
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I just shared it, not understanding. Sending you 100000 $TRISH on hamcaster. When you have time, convert it, sell it or stake it. If you stake it, you will receive a portion of 100% of my ham allocation and tips https://hamcaster.com/token/4877
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Danica Swanson
Oy. Well, that's a risk of using a work-around because the token-gating function got deprecated. I'm well aware that nothing on the internet is ever truly private. I saw your cast, but there's no need to call more attention to the piece than it already got, so I'll limit the rest of my responses to the group chat. Algorithms work in my favor in a case like this by burying the cast quickly so attention rapidly shifts elsewhere... lol. I think I'll turn the group chat into something more robust. We need a place to talk about this stuff without the risk of drive-by harassment from randos. About the tokens... I'll look into it in January. Thanks.
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