Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp

Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩


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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
🌿🤩 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjV4U6UBPVGlDZaW1xUkVzedPgBG18ySqnCQ&s
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
Got my wisdom tooth taken out… Any tips for the pain? 🥲 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/0df53c411a8225c458ef165950834f993e112dd8fb0e3c8328cc001e6be4e8ca.gif
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
No marriage,no children,my future without most worries
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
Who’s going to FWB FEST?
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
🤑 Just claimed a #LuckyDrop 🧧💰✨ on https://firefly.mask.social from tinyrainboot ! Claim on Lens: https://firefly.mask.social/post/0x012a99-0x04e5 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGPWKZbu5hwkpWuHMqGZ0i01_UDsToZeOBcw&s
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
chu cha mạ ơi! Cảm ơn vì tất cả, món quà này dành cho huynh. 🤤😘 https://check-ham-stats.vercel.app/frames?userfid=260299&v=1
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
Dropping 5 sketches for a multi-layer data-network collage map. Open edition for 7 days. Selected from various interactions with Midjourney v4 in December 2022. Sketch 4 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/8b23791967b164d02832f845a1e68d7b1ae1b67c6e1018e6fe121021208510e8.jpg
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
The Problem With Spotify Sure, you can find whoever you want to listen to on Spotify. But will you find them organically? Probably not. #Spotify #Music #NFTs #Blockchain #Web3 #bytes
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
...progress on the bonsai RW art project! Full project coming soon 🤩
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
Ngl I really didn’t understand the lens announcement. Not a techy. Does it mean lens is having their own chain??
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
‼️This entire month I’ve been in Bali working in an immersive audio experience for the exhibition happening Nov. 26th. **Sound is Everywhere** | **Suara Dimana-mana** “Sound tells stories hidden in the between. What if we let it tell something about us? 95% of the sounds you hear right now were captured during the Residency using Bali’s natural surroundings and artists’ voices. This immersive experience invites you to listen with all of your body. As your eyes experience the visual expression from each of the thirteen artists, allow your ears to fill in the gaps. Listen closely. Sound tells all.”
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
Voting is in process now! https://jokerace.io/contest/forma/0x22897ce730f2c2a907a628d84e5c2bab4e3c3521/submission/108976576803770200982285122179837654958486721319346711896799258070734037325229
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
there are 7.88 billion people in the world there 1 million+ memes are created every single day there are only 9999 sappy seals do with that info what you will 🤝
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
🌿🤩 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqqucrYh_8gfYkhwBPuKQ1y0dscZmcWRJUWw&s
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
What should be the Phavercoin $SOCIAL logo? If you come up with a baller one= We gib extra reward. https://images.lens.phaver.com/insecure/raw:t/plain/5c1ae628987f740b4bf6cddabc41f43c
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
Want a tip to be more confident DJing? Learn the words to the tracks in your set 👾 1️⃣ Write out the lyrics. Pen to paper helps to brain retain info. Then, break it down: start by learning one section at a time. 2️⃣ Speak sections of the lyrics aloud. Sing them, if there’s a melody. 3️⃣ Visualize the lyrics: Create mental images or a story to associate with each line. 4️⃣ Repetition is key: Repeat the lyrics over and over until they become second nature. 5️⃣ Take a break and then come back to it. This locks it all in. Want more tips on DJing? Drop a 🔥 in the comments and I’ll DM you with a few of my favorites that have been useful to me and my students ⚡️ #djtips #dj
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
🤑 Just claimed a #LuckyDrop 🧧💰✨ on https://firefly.mask.social from tinyrainboot ! Claim on Lens: https://firefly.mask.social/post/0x012a99-0x04e5
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
Đỏ rồi! This is a truly invaluable resource, thank you! https://hunt-stats-v92.vercel.app/&v=1
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Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩 pfp
Đặng Quỳnh Nga 🎩
🕊️ https://x.com/wikileaks/status/1805390138945528183 https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/eb99e31ca77e05ab6a1640a60c3c20ec5cf123ad72c560b9114eceb7a26675f4.jpg
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