Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp

Dan Finlay 🦊


147 Following

Christian Montoya 🦊 pfp
Christian Montoya 🦊
What if we could educate users through Frames? Pretty crazy, I know, but let's try: https://foxtales.vercel.app/api/25
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
Replacing addresses with claim links is one solution to needing addresses: https://hackmd.io/FGwVYYaGQT6lnSCVepesTg
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
And sorry but if all that isn't too much for you, the real meat of the Spritely goals is here: https://spritely.institute/static/papers/spritely-core.pdf
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
And this was the paper that turned Christine into that direction: https://www.uni-weimar.de/fileadmin/user/fak/medien/professuren/Virtual_Reality/documents/publications/capsec_vr2008_preprint.pdf
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
Oh this might be even better. This was Christine before she created Spritely, trying to articulate the issues she saw with AP and the direction that she wanted to take. It is absolutely a huge answer-key to why Spritely: https://gitlab.com/spritely/ocappub/blob/master/README.org
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
I know but sometimes I just like screwing around and if I make something a big deal it'll change it. This is fast and loose.
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
Hmmmm... Well Christine started Spritely as a next-generation protocol after ActivityPub, so I don't think this is a way to learn where AP is going. Here's a forum post that tried to wrangle some of the reasons together: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/fediverse-and-object-capabilities-ocap/909
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
I caught up with Christine Lemmer-Webber (creator of ActivityPub) and talked about her project Spritely and the future of distributed social computing, including Farcaster, and we recorded it! Weird fun little conversation we decided to share: https://youtu.be/auWwf4rMkHE
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
What a horrendous band-aid of an experience to ask of users.
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
IF channels were more tags than forums, there could be paths to either users or mods choosing to merge a pair of channels. From the user side, it would mean tagging both when tagging either. From the mod side, it would mean deferring your channel to the other. https://warpcast.com/ted/0xe46b7902
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
It's so shady that Bambu 3D printers try to get you to install a network driver on any desktop computer to print over a network. This obviously isn't necessary. Reminds me of Zoom's system extension just to make link opening simpler. In the best case it's lazy. In the worst it's deeply dangerous.
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
shopping search engine that if there’s no products that match your search, pairs you up with an AI to workshop the idea and then crowdfund its production. 
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
I just don’t like applying sunscreen and feel like it’s wasteful compared to blocking the sun and hats feel like a Band-Aid
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
whoops thought this was a shopping search
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
parasol that doesn’t make a big deal about it
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
Um I just realized I linked to the japanese language edition… I will cover the mistake cost if you want lol. Or give it to @kumavis
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
This book was brief but I felt like taught thr essentials: https://a.co/d/akLOys2
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
warpcast snap that lets sites propose posts to you in exchange for tokens?
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Dan Finlay 🦊 pfp
Dan Finlay 🦊
The guy was so good at capturing the experience of vision.
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