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In 1989, a Costa Rican fisherman named Gilberto “Chito” Shedden rescued a crocodile that had been shot in the head. After nursing the crocodile back to health, Chito released it back into the wild. But to his surprise, the next day, the crocodile, whom he had named "Pocho," followed him home and ended up sleeping on his porch. The crocodile kept returning, and over time, Chito began training Pocho. Slowly, they developed a deep bond that lasted a lifetime. For over twenty years, Chito swam with Pocho in the river near his home, often at night. They would play, talk, and share affectionate moments, with Chito hugging, kissing, and caressing the crocodile. Chito's first wife left him because of the time he spent with Pocho, but he shrugged it off, saying he could always find another wife, but never another Pocho.
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Gm gm
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Gm gm y'all!
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Jesús García Corona: The Hero of Nacozari Jesús García Corona, born on November 13, 1881, in Hermosillo, Mexico. He was a railroad brakeman for the train that covered the line between Nacozari and Douglas, Arizona. On November 7, 1907, while the train was stopped in the town, García noticed that some hay on the roof of a car containing dynamite had caught fire. The fire was caused by sparks that spread from the locomotive’s failing smokebox. Recognizing the imminent danger, García made a split-second decision that would cost him his life but save the town. He drove the train in reverse downhill at full-steam six kilometers out of the town before the dynamite exploded. The explosion killed him, but his quick thinking and selfless act spared the population of the mining town. In honor of his heroic act, a statue was raised, and the name of the town of Nacozari was changed to Nacozari de García.
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On August 25, 2010, a Filair Let L-410 flight in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) crashed, killing 20 passengers and crew. The cause was a smuggled crocodile that freed itself, causing panic among passengers who rushed towards the flight deck. The sudden shift in weight caused the aircraft to lose balance and crash into a house approximately 1 kilometer short of the runway. Only one passenger and the crocodile survived the crash.
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On a fateful day in 2011, a bizzarre accident occurred on a rural Quebec highway near the town of Luskville, which resulted in the death of two individuals. The accident involved a black bear weighing approximately 200 kilograms. The bear was initially hit by a Pontiac Sunfire traveling east on Highway 148. The impact of the collision launched the bear into the air. It then crashed into a black SUV traveling in the opposite direction. The bear smashed through the SUV’s front windshield and exited out the back window. The driver of the SUV, the 25-year-old woman, and Steven Leon, who was seated behind her, were pronounced dead at the scene. The woman’s 28-year-old boyfriend, who was sitting in the front of the SUV, suffered minor injuries and was taken to Hull Hospital. The two male occupants of the Pontiac Sunfire were not hurt. The bear also died as a result of the collisions.
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Toby— "The Heimlich Hound" Debbie, a 45-year-old jewelry artist, was enjoying an apple at her home. Suddenly, a piece of the apple lodged in her throat, causing her to choke. Despite her attempts to dislodge the apple using the Heimlich maneuver on herself, her efforts proved unsuccessful. It was at this critical juncture that Toby, a 2-year-old Golden Retriever, sprang into action. Observing his owner’s distress, Toby quickly assessed the situation. In an act of what can only be described as instinctive brilliance, Toby used his front paws to push Debbie to the ground. Once she was on her back, Toby began jumping up and down on her chest. This unorthodox method, akin to a modified Heimlich maneuver, proved effective. The force exerted by Toby’s jumps dislodged the apple, thereby saving Debbie’s life. After the apple was dislodged, Toby continued to care for Debbie by licking her face, an act that Debbie believes kept her from passing out. The aftermath of this incident left Debbie with paw…
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In 1927 in Plains, Georgia, a three-year-old boy named Jimmy Carter lived next door to an auto mechanic, Francis Smith, and his pregnant wife, Allie. That August, Allie went into labor, and Jimmy's mother, a nurse, helped deliver her daughter. The next day, little Jimmy went next door and peered into the crib. The baby inside was named Rosalynn. As a teenager, Rosie had a fierce crush on Jimmy, but he was three years older, and apparently took little notice of the shy kid next door. During WWII, he left town to join the Naval Academy. One day in the summer of 1945, Jimmy returned to Plains on vacation. While riding in the rumble seat of a friend's Ford, he looked toward the United Methodist church and saw Rosie, now seventeen and all grown up, standing out front. He was gobsmacked. Jimmy hopped out of the rumble seat and asked her to the movies. She jumped right in. He came home that night and told his mother that the baby she'd delivered seventeen years earlier was the girl he was going to marry. …
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Damani pfp
In 1927 in Plains, Georgia, a three-year-old boy named Jimmy Carter lived next door to an auto mechanic, Francis Smith, and his pregnant wife, Allie. That August, Allie went into labor, and Jimmy's mother, a nurse, helped deliver her daughter. The next day, little Jimmy went next door and peered into the crib. The baby inside was named Rosalynn. As a teenager, Rosie had a fierce crush on Jimmy, but he was three years older, and apparently took little notice of the shy kid next door. During WWII, he left town to join the Naval Academy. One day in the summer of 1945, Jimmy returned to Plains on vacation. While riding in the rumble seat of a friend's Ford, he looked toward the United Methodist church and saw Rosie, now seventeen and all grown up, standing out front. He was gobsmacked. Jimmy hopped out of the rumble seat and asked her to the movies. She jumped right in. He came home that night and told his mother that the baby she'd delivered seventeen years earlier was the girl he was going to marry.
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“When my parents and grandmother died in a car accident, they left five children in the care of our grandpa, my mother's father. Our paternal grandparents had passed away long ago. Grandpa raised us as his own, providing love and support through our darkest times. As we grew older, I, being the youngest, had the closest relationship with him. We shared his hobby of restoring old books, spending countless hours in his library. When grandpa passed away, his will was read. He had spent all his savings on raising us and offered each of us $10,000 from his remaining estate or his most treasured possession—an old photo album filled with family photos. My siblings quickly chose the money, mocking me for considering the album. They said, "You must have done something to upset him. You're a loser." Despite their taunts, the photo album soon changed my life in ways I never imagined.”
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CIA’s “Stealthy Spy Job” ! In 1959, the CIA conducted a covert operation, under the veil of the Cold War, to gain access to a Soviet exhibit that featured a model of the Luna 2 spacecraft. The team gained 24 hours of unrestricted access to the exhibit. They “Kidnapped” the Soviet spacecraft , meticulously photographed every part and documented every construction element, then perfectly reassembled the whole thing without leaving a trace. This operation was carried out on a Soviet exhibit that was part of an exhibition promoting Soviet industrial and economic achievements. This audacious operation provided the United States with invaluable intelligence on the design and capabilities of the Soviet spacecraft. It helped American leaders be better prepared to respond to a new Soviet threat and gave the US armed forces insight into potential offensive military spinoffs.
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Here's the deal....you strap all of this on your body. Then you sit on the tarmac in 90 degree heat and 60% humidity while breathing in JP8 exhaust fumes for an hour or 3. Then you waddle on to the aircraft and fly nap of the earth for an hour or more trying not to puke up the last three meals you ate. The doors open up and bring the mixed blessing of fresh air blowing in from a pitch black darkness. The JM goes through the motions and you waddle/shuffle your way out of the door into the black void of the night. When you hit the ground, you extract yourself from the harness and strap your gear on to your back and start walking.... forever. That, my friend is the life of a Paratrooper..
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“When my parents and grandmother died in a car accident, they left five children in the care of our grandpa, my mother's father. Our paternal grandparents had passed away long ago. Grandpa raised us as his own, providing love and support through our darkest times. As we grew older, I, being the youngest, had the closest relationship with him. We shared his hobby of restoring old books, spending countless hours in his library. When grandpa passed away, his will was read. He had spent all his savings on raising us and offered each of us $10,000 from his remaining estate or his most treasured possession—an old photo album filled with family photos. My siblings quickly chose the money, mocking me for considering the album. They said, "You must have done something to upset him. You're a loser." Despite their taunts, the photo album soon changed my life in ways I never imagined.”
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A white Arabian mare named Jenny embarks on a solitary stroll, a routine she had faithfully followed for over 14 years. Jenny went on a long walk every morning, all by herself. She had been taking the same route every morning for 14 years, ever since her owner, 79 years old, became unable to ride. She enjoyed greeting all of the familiar faces along the way, and she stopped and got treats and pettings from some of her favorite humans. The locals treated her like a celebrity and happily cleaned up after her. A piece of paper was attached to her halter that read, "My name is Jenny. I didn't run away, I'm just walking. Thank you." But the police got calls frequently from people who didn’t know about the arrangement. They were very familiar with the horse and the owner, and there had been no incident in 14 years. A local veterinarian used to give her routine checkups and continued to find her to be healthy and showing no anxiety about her unique lifestyle.
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Martha Cothren, a social studies teacher at Joe T. Robinson High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, made a significant impact on her students and the community with a unique teaching method implemented on the first day of school in September 2005. With the permission of the school superintendent, principal, and building supervisor, Cothren removed all the desks from her classroom. When her students arrived, they were surprised to find no desks and asked Cothren about their absence. She responded that they couldn’t have a desk until they could tell her how they earned the right to sit at one. Despite their guesses about grades or behavior, none of the students could provide the correct answer. As the day progressed, the unusual situation attracted the attention of parents and local television news crews. However, it was not until the final period of the day that Cothren revealed the profound lesson behind the missing desks. Cothren opened the classroom door to let in 27 U.S. Veterans, all in uniform, eac…
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In December 2021, These Two officers, Officers Flannel and Parrish, did a traffic stop. During the stop of violating a red light, the driver expressed she was in a hurry to get the children in the car to school. When the officers asked her, what school do they attend. She could not give a good answer. They escorted her from the car and questioned the child, simply to the eldest child, age 10, "do you know this woman?" The 10 year old shook his head, No! at that point the driver was arrested. It was later determined she had kidnapped the children on their way to school. Four children ages 10 to 6 were forced into the vehicle. These 2 officers exercised excellent police investigate skills, in doing so they were able to take a kidnapper off the streets, and safeguard the 4 children from any hurt, harm and danger. Outstanding work to Officers Flannel and Parrish, two of the hard workers in the Eighth Precinct.
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On January 13, 1982, Air Florida Flight 90, a Boeing 737-200, crashed into Washington, D.C.'s 14th Street Bridge and fell into the icy Potomac River. The aircraft had difficulty climbing immediately after takeoff and subsequently stalled. This tragic incident resulted in the loss of 78 lives, with only four passengers and one flight attendant surviving. During the rescue, one of the survivors, Priscilla Tirado, was too weak to grab the line when the helicopter returned to her. As she began to sink below the Potomac River her savior was coming. A young office assistant for a government agency, Lenny Skutnik, stripped off his coat and boots and in short sleeves, dove into the icy water and swam out to her. She survived, as did Lenny. Skutnik’s heroism was widely recognized and celebrated. He was invited by U.S. President Ronald Reagan to attend the 1982 State of the Union address, where he was praised for manifesting "the spirit of American heroism at its finest". Skutnik received the United States Co…
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"The pilot was standing around as I got out of my wheelchair to board my flight to Portland. He followed me and the flight attendant who volunteered to carry my bag. I fling myself into my seat. He quickly asked, "were you in the military." I replied "yes." “He said, "Afghanistan 2010?" Again, although surprised …
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Rocky Ali Beamon, born on December 10, 1977, was an American serial killer who committed three murders, including two fellow inmates while serving a life sentence for the first murder. The inmates he murdered were serving time for sex crimes against children. Beamon’s criminal journey began with the murder of 47-…
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Biden has finally stepped down from the presidential race I couldn't be more bullish than this Trump is coming and there going to be a run🔥
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